Criteria for the selection of workers in the tourism sector / the preparation of the student Hassan Abdelali Abdel-Hussein and the assistant teacher Zafer Obeid Faraj

Criteria for selecting workers in the tourism sector
There are no workers who are not good and jobs or jobs are not good, but the fact that there are bad or mistakes in the process of harmony and harmony between the employee and the job that is exercised, because there are many people doing work does not fit their desires and abilities and potential, and therefore note them fail to do the work as required , While they may be creative and they only have some problems if they work in other jobs to suit their wishes, and this is the opposite of the first situation where the problems appear to be complex and many, and affect the nature of the work of the establishment, and on this basis the Department of personnel management to take this responsibility on Affiliation and accreditation This is applicable only through the distinction between Job (Jop) and the position site (position). Based on the strict understanding of both terms, the Human Resources Department can choose the appropriate work for the person according to the required specifications , And then place it in the appropriate place in the hotel’s organizational structure.
We conclude from this that work is a set of different duties, responsibilities and conditions that vary from section to section. The place can be seen as an empty box (where it is capable of movement and lack of vitality) in the organizational structure, and when it places the right person, it becomes capable of activity and action (1) ).
(1) Al-Taei: Hamid Abdul-Nabi, Introduction to Hotel Management, pp. 227-228.