Sources of identification of training needs
The training needs of the group of individuals required to be trained are an expression to confront any of the situations that indicators confirm the probability of occurrence for one of the following reasons:
Developing or updating the information and knowledge of some teachers in the system of providing services to tourists
Modify or develop the motor or behavioral abilities of employees in some hotel professional departments (such as the reception system in the front office department), providing service in conferences and meetings … etc.
Develop productive skills when expanding some of the hotel facilities or adding services or moving the service from another site such as festivals, exhibitions (1).
To identify the necessary training needs, there are several ways, including:
Informal observation: By observing the workers indirectly to meet the weaknesses and strengths in the performance of the individual. One of the main drawbacks of this method is that it does not care to get accurate information and that scientists are always misjudging their motivation
Discuss with supervisors who know the weaknesses in their subordinates’ performance, when and where they can be trained. But the disadvantages of this method of processing some supervisors to some employees, which prompts these supervisors to nominate some employees for more than one training session at the expense of others
Continuing discussions with the Almazaffarin and listening to their suggestions and complaints to find out what training courses they are asking help them to do their best work.
The advantage of this method is that the employee is able to show weaknesses in his ability to enable the administration to deal with such training and its disadvantages that many citizens are trying to independence for many courses.
The need for training represents a contradiction, a deficiency or a gap between an existing situation and a desired situation
The shortage is in the performance of an organization, job or individuals
(1) Aliwa ‘Determination of training trends’ i ‘Egypt’s new edition’ 2001, p. 122
(2) Saleh Mohammed Faleh, Human Resources Management Presentation and Analysis, (previous source) p. 103.