“: Tourism Regulations and Related By-Laws (21)
Because the whole tourism system (like any system) consists of parts of sub-systems connected to each other by internal and reciprocal relationships, they produce quantities of information on the overall organization, receive each subsystem, process, select and send a set of information to the subsystems In order to achieve an effective performance of the total system and achieve its goals as outlined in Figure 2 and the sub-systems of the comprehensive tourism system, which represent the functions and activities of the tourist establishment as any other establishment and the relation of the total exchange system to the surrounding environment
Which are related to environmental, economic, social, cultural, technological and even political variables that affect the performance and objectives of the overall tourism system as follows:
A – Marketing and Sales Subsystem: – The inputs of this system include all information related to the marketing management activities of the tourism organization related to all activities related to increase of tourism and hotel sales, analysis of revenues and sales, analysis of the tourist and hotel market to identify current and prospective customers and competitive facilities and long and short term marketing planning. In order to achieve the objectives of marketing management in opening up new markets, new distribution outlets and providing a distinguished product that increases the competitiveness of the organization and other accurate and accurate data so that it can manage the organization Set their goals close to local and international tourist realities.
B) The production system: – which is concerned with the planning of the tourism and hotel product through providing the total system and other sub-systems with information about the specifications, the product provided by the tourist organization, the level of service, the price structure and detailed data on the activities, services and facilitations provided (rooms for kitchens, Conferences, trips, meetings, seminars, etc.). The sub-information system will assist in providing all data required for the sub-production system to prepare and implement all data required for the sub-production system to prepare and implement its future plan.
C. Personnel subsystem (human resources management): – The availability of all data is about the training of individuals (employees, employees, promotions, employee file keeping, job descriptions, job rates, analysis and evaluation of training outcomes and benefits … etc).
(D) The financing subsystem: – It includes the data necessary to provide the financial needs of the Organization’s business in the best possible manner for the next period at the lowest possible cost and with minimal waste and the greatest possible return by providing data on the potential of the financial organization available and expected to be provided in the future.
E. Stock Subsystem: Inputs of this system are data on the types and types of stock items, in particular “the major hotel facilities and the turnover rates of the stored materials and their flow between the production and service units within the hotel organization and the exchange orders … etc.
Information subsystem: – The input of this system in addition to the modern machines and equipment such as the various computer systems and microprofiles is the availability of trained personnel in the use of modern technology in order to provide the necessary information to all the other previous subsystems as well as the supreme management of the tourism organization to take advantage of them in making the appropriate decision to achieve its objectives And thus the objectives of the total tourism system.
The feasibility of using information technology in the Arab and local tourism industry and future proposals.
The technological capacity of a society, the true source of wealth, is the main asset that drives society to progress. There are countries that are at the forefront of their natural wealth and financial assets. Other countries are in the lead in terms of population, States are at the back of civilization, while others have passed the barrier of underdevelopment by relying on their own potential and scientific and technological potential. Because science, technology and production have three components that directly affect and influence the policies and development plans. Science is the foundation of technology, Pillar of basic production, and production is the backbone of development (22. (