Electronic Commerce (Electronic Tourism)
The Internet has been the largest technological advance since the invention of the printing machine 500 years ago, because it created a kind of “huge explosion in the interest of people and business owners that has no analogy in the path of science and technology. This explosion in the use of the Internet led to the emergence of new models of business that were not known in the Such as business models (e-Trade, Sehwab, Yahoo), Google (Amazon.com) and other major industrial companies such as GM (Ford, GE), 15 have begun to develop plans to establish their virtual markets on the World Wide Web, As well as major tourism companies have rethink the way in which the business is managed and marketed to In the context of e-commerce, where business becomes global, while in the context of tourism, the natural and specificity of the tourism product and its relationship with the consumer (tourist) differ from the relationship of any other product with its consumer universe. Tourism is a sector centered on consumption, production and behavior, which is the central axis in the relationship between the source of production and the source of consumption. However, electronic tourism works to increase the ability of countries, companies and tourism institutions to regulate travel and tourism through the Internet For the marketing programs of the tourism on the net, so established sites it emerged and unions in this area as the site of the International Federation of Tourism E (Alaیota). (Saudi Arabia, France, Spain, Italy and Egypt) and sponsored by many international tourism organizations. euoti. It is an international alliance that provides the latest and best advice in this field and provides opportunities for the exchange of experiences among members through the issuance of a quarterly magazine in several Languages and organization of marketing and educational trips for the members of the Union and work to find global solutions to the problems of the electronic tourism industry through what is related to the tourism industry is by creating a place for fair competition among members to ensure the increase in the volume of tourism sales through the Internet and the provision of money spent on offers And marketing programs.
There are international studies in this regard, the most important of which is the study of the American Travel Industry Association. The American Citizen uses the Internet to obtain travel and tourism services distributed to different branches of tourism activities as follows:
84% purchase airline tickets.
78% get hotel reservations.
59% Rent a car.
33% purchase of leisure tickets.
18% to visit museums.
17% for the purchase of a packed trip (inclusive).
8% buy tickets for free tours.
Increasing sales in the business sector for travel and tourism through the Internet from $ 18 billion in 2000 to $ 63 billion in 2006. And that the Internet has become the number one source for obtaining information for vacation or planning for a trip and as follows:
26% via the Internet.
22% through travel agencies.
11% through the guidebook.
10% through newspapers and magazines ….
E-tourism is the latest gateway to online marketing technology that makes the world a small, cosmopolitan village with information flowing beyond geographic boundaries and space constraints.