Future proposals at the Arab and local level
A proposal of a unified Arab national information network for the development of Arab tourism investment
The tourism sector is an integral part of the economic sectors of each society. It is integrated, influenced and influenced by it. Thus, there are reciprocal relations between the tourism sector and other sectors, which increase or move according to their degree of growth and degree of dependence between them and between other sectors. The more information and statistics available on the tourism sector and sectors The other is a reflection of the fact that past and present growth has been the responsibility of those responsible for planning for the future from reality and the possibility of implementation.
It is known to researchers in the field of tourism that statistics in most developing countries in general and “Arab countries in particular” are few and limited, if not limited in different fields, and that availability is limited in value and consequently lack of information and tourism statistics is a real problem at the level of Arab tourism agencies Tourism information among Arab countries and the failure to adopt standardized indicators of tourism variables as we mentioned earlier. This requires considerable efforts at the Arab level to provide integrated information systems that benefit from the huge technological development in
Information Technology Sector. It is therefore proposed to design a special Arab national information network “for the development of Arab tourism investment and the reasons for the proposal:
The importance of tourism investment decisions in activating tourism, increasing the volume of tourism flow to the Arab region, achieving Arab tourism integration and taking advantage of the special benefits of “tourism investment is no longer limited” to national investment only, whether as governmental tourism organization or non-governmental bodies. To achieve common goals in the field of tourism development and optimal use of various Arab tourism resources (human, material, financial). “A team of economists confirmed that it is among the eight basic measures to achieve a” positive ” Of the infrastructure in the tourism sector is the creation of a database and information system centers for “tourism investment” (27).
Therefore, the importance of the network is shown in light of the lack of information and the lack of tourist image between Arab countries on the one hand and between foreign countries on the other, in addition to the open competition markets on the Arab tourism market, all of this makes our proposal ambitious and we hope to achieve it in the near future.