Social networking sites originated:
In 1972, more than 72 universities and private research centers were connected to the US Department of Defense. In the late 1980s, Other networks of France, Japan and Britain joined the Internet. In the early 1990s, the Internet expanded to cover a wide area of the world. Other networks were provided with voice and video. An Internet multimedia system emerged in mid-1993 (1993) For users of this media Efficiency and viewing audio, image and video (Ithawi 2004, 12).
Modern technological developments in the mid-1990s have brought about a qualitative leap and a real revolution in the world of communication. The Internet has spread throughout the globe. The social networking sites have appeared. These sites include search engines, web portals, free references, blogs, newspaper and magazine sites, newspaper sites, satellite channels and YouTube channels. Networks social networking sites such as:
Facebook: a site that helps to create relationships between users, who can exchange information, files, personal photos, videos and comments all this in the virtual world cuts the barrier of space and time, Facebook is one of the most famous sites in the Web, Social Media
Facebook began with a Harvard student named Mark Joker Berg, who began designing a website that aims to communicate with fellow university students and share their files, pictures and ideas. This is a web site that anyone in the world can subscribe to for free and work on their own account. Users can join the networks created by the city or work or social gatherings and interact with them as well as friends to your friends list and send messages to them provides the site services to users free of charge and depends on the funding of the service advertising logo (Saleh Al Ali, 2002, 1 26)
Twitter is a social networking site that provides a microblogging service that allows users to send Tweets about their status to a maximum of 140 characters per message. You can send a message via chat and friends can read it directly from their homepage. This site was launched in 2006 and the site witnessed rapid growth until the number of users
2011 to more than 300 million users and is used Twitter in many uses and in multiple purposes in the marketing of destinations and programs and tourism services and communicate with customers and provide information about their tourism products and the same program represents the Department of marketing and marketing research by developing products and businesses and the use of Twitter in a wide range in areas such as Using it in the media such as the BBC and Al Ahram Foundation in Egypt and others in sending messages related to the news as soon as it is used and also used in the election campaigns used by US President Barack Obama in 2008 and has a major role in the spring revolutions Egypt and Tunisia.
MySpace: The site that was the most popular before entering into a fierce competition with Facebook, a social networking site and provides social services on the Internet as an interactive network of friends and other services
The site was founded in 2003 in Santa Monica and in 2005 it was acquired by a company in New York. In 2005 it was one of the most visited sites in the world. In 2011, the site was sold to the pop singer and MySpace It is the sixth most popular web site for English and most popular sites. The popularity of this site has gradually increased to become part of contemporary popular culture especially in the English-speaking country.
LinkedIn is a professional social network of about 2 million professionals and professionals in a variety of fields.
Deviantart: The most popular site for displaying digital designs in various fields (Saleh Al Ali, 2002, 128).
E YouTube: Founded in 2005 by three employees at an American company in San Mateo, California, in October 2006, it was sold
Watching and sharing videos on a free basis. The site utilizes Flash animation technology to display animation and the content of the site varies between movies, clips, music and videos produced by amateur and other users. The site downloads daily more than 50,000 hours of new video. In 2011, Search so that the videos are allowed to be viewed (Al-Batouti 2012 390 391 392) (Hanafi, 2008, 95).