ustifications for the Emergence of Green Marketing:

Prepared by: Hanin Dakhel Muhammad
Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Rana Zaher Salman Al-Janabi

Justifications for the Emergence of Green Marketing:

Justifications for the emergence of green marketing include the following (Kotler, 2007):
1. Dwindling raw materials: The earth’s resources consist of unlimited resources, limited renewable resources, and non-renewable resources. Water and air may seem like unlimited resources that currently face major problems, but some organizations believe these resources face long-term danger. Limited renewable resources, such as forests and food, must be used wisely. Limited non-renewable resources include oil, coal, iron, and various minerals, which, when depleted, can cause real problems. This is why many organizations are focusing on research and development to find raw materials.
2. Rising energy costs: One of the limited non-renewable resources is oil, which is a cause of economic and political problems due to its high demand and widespread use. Fluctuations in oil prices negatively impact organizational performance. (Al-Awadi, 2010)
Rising energy prices, reliance on oil, and the growing calls for environmental protection have created a business opportunity for clean energy-efficient products and other environmentally sensitive innovations called clean technology. (Ottman, 2006)
3. Increased pollution levels: Some industrial activities can fundamentally destroy the natural environment. Examples of this include chemical waste disposal, water and soil pollution, and consequently, agricultural food. (Obeid, 2004)
4. Changing the role of governments: Governments work to protect and care for the environment. To do so, they pressure organizations to care for the environment or provide support to them to offer green products.
(Pride and Ferrel, 2009