Prepared by: Hanin Dakhel Muhammad
Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Rana Zaher Salman Al-Janabi
The Importance of Green Marketing:
Green marketing positively impacts the health of people and the environment. People are aware of clean products and clean methods of production, use, and disposal. It also encourages integrated efforts towards cleanliness in production and consumption.
Green marketing has developed special effects in the modern marketplace. The color green signifies quality, fair price, and value in transactions. Green marketing focuses on marketing environmentally friendly products to meet customer needs and desires. (Mustafa Youssef, 2007)
Green marketing is a tool for protecting the environment for the next generation. It has a positive impact on environmental safety due to the growing interest in environmental protection. A new market is emerging: the green market. For hotels to survive in this market, they must become environmentally friendly in all aspects of their business.
Green marketing can include a number of different things, such as creating an environmentally friendly product, using environmentally friendly packaging, adopting sustainable business practices, or focusing marketing efforts on methods that communicate the green benefits of a product. (Vijai and Anitha, 2020)
Green marketing has several advantages (Al-Bakri, 2006):
1. Satisfying the needs of owners
2. Ensuring safety in product delivery and operational management
3. Social acceptance of the organization
4. Sustainability of activities