Prepared by: Hanin Dakhel Muhammad
Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Rana Zaher Salman Al-Janabi
The Importance of Green Marketing
First: Enhancing Credibility
Environmental marketing greatly helps improve a company’s credibility with customers. If companies practice this type of marketing, it will make your organization more credible, especially with new customers. Your commitment to protecting the environment from any potential harm will certainly make you fully committed to the interests of your customers. (Emily, 2009)
Second: Opening New Markets
If your company promotes products with environmentally friendly properties, this will open up many new markets for environmentally friendly products. It is essential to open such markets, given the large number of customers who are particularly interested in green, environmentally friendly products. (Mustafa Youssef, 2020)
Third: Doubling Profits
Green marketing is directly linked to doubling profits, as it relies primarily on the element of savings. Environmentally friendly materials are used in manufacturing. These materials significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing these products, thus doubling the company’s profits. (Emily, 2009)