Prepared by: Hanin Dakhel Muhammad
Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Rana Zaher Salman Al-Janabi
Elements of the Marketing Mix
Many people wonder about the elements that make a product a green marketing product. These elements can be summarized in four basic elements, often referred to as the marketing mix. The most important of these elements are:
First: Green Products
The first element of environmental marketing is called green products. Green products are a distinct type of product. The reason they are distinctive is that they primarily preserve the environment and natural resources. This element is also considered one of the essential elements that create a sustainable future. Principal attention must be paid to the production and marketing of green products. Because these products are the most appropriate means used to preserve the environment and natural resources, to obtain such products, you can rely on local suppliers and choose products classified as green by various environmental organizations. (Al-Bakri, 2007)
Second: Green Price
The primary factor affecting price changes is the production process. The higher the cost of the production process, the higher the product’s price. For green products, their most important characteristic is their low production costs, making their price affordable for all customers. Regarding price, green products are much more affordable than non-green products, and the price difference between them is quite large. The gap between the price of a green product and a non-green product is called the “pricing gap.” If you want to address the price problem, you can either convince target customers of the importance of the green product they are purchasing or reduce the costs of producing those products specifically. (Thamer Yasser, 2009)
Third: Green Place
The fourth element of green marketing is the place element. You must find a safe place through which green products can be distributed. Without harming the environment at all, it is important to choose the appropriate location for product distribution to use transportation methods that use environmentally friendly fuel. (Emily, 2020)
Fourth: Green Promotion
The fourth element of environmental marketing is “environmental promotion.” In this type of marketing, products with environmental characteristics are promoted to attract the largest possible number of purchases. Environmental factors are taken into account during marketing. For example, social media is used for marketing and to encourage customers to protect the environment through these products. (Kafi, 2007)