Standards for scientific promotion and performance evaluation in a panel discussion
In the presence of Prof. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri, Dean of the College of Tourism Sciences, the Department of Hotel Management at the College held on Sunday 22/4/2018 in the hall of the Department a seminar on the criteria of scientific promotion and performance evaluation of the teaching staff at the college. Zafer Obaid Omrani, who reviewed the list of performance evaluation and its implications and the importance of the activities and activities carried out by teaching professors and the degree of degree granted to them. The seminar was discussed extensively by the teachers attending with Mr. Al-Omrani who answered the questions by explaining Wafi. The seminar ended with words of thanks and appreciation from Dr. Al Yasiri, Dean of the College, to Mr. Al-Omrani and to the Head of the Department for their contribution to enriching the topic through the seminar.