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In the name of Almighty

Welcome speech

    Tourism is a social necessity, and a basic need in light of the complexity of life conditions, in addition to being an important economic resource on which many countries of the world depend to build their economy.
     The religious and cultural landmarks possessed by Iraq, can make the activity of tourism a solid base on which the Iraqi economy depends in providing alternative resources from the traditional sources subject to completion over time, and because of this: The task of activating the tourism sector becomes an urgent necessity in the restructuring of the national economy and liberalization of The unilateral character of the past decades
     Qualified human resources to work in the management of this activity, one of the important and essential links to achieve the goal of tourism.
    Hence, the role of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences at the University of Karbala Bksmaha: religious tourism, and management of hotel institutions to take upon themselves the number of graduates qualified scientifically and practically, according to civil scientific methods simulate tourism development in the developed world.

                                                                                              Prof.Dr. Makki Abdul Majeed Al – Rubaie
                                                                                                Dean of the College of Tourism Sciences

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