Curriculum Vitae Assistant Lecturer Ali Fadel Jaber Al-Yousifi

Curriculum Vitae


Full name and surname: Ali Fadel Jaber  Al-Yousifi

Place and date of birth: Karbala / 8 / 23 / 1982

Nationality: Iraqi.

Nationality: Arab.

Religion Muslim.


Certification and Specialization: Master’s Degree in E-Marketing.


Academic title: Assistant teacher.


Current work: Teaching at the College of Tourism Sciences / University of Karbala.


Member of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate: / 2 / 17 / 2021.

Date of appointment in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / University of Karbala / College of Administration and Economics


He received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the College of Administration and Economics at Karbala University in 2006-2007.


He obtained a master’s degree in Business Administration / Modern University of Management and Sciences / Republic of Lebanon in 2017, “and the thesis received an excellent grade (91%).


Service summary: (9) years (10) and months.


Courses and workshops attended: Contemporary methods for tourism regulatory decision-making, strategic planning course in the tourism sector, a dialogue seminar on the supreme religious authority, the wisdom of Islam, attitudes and influence, a ministerial course, the eighth periodic humanitarian conference of Fallujah University, the development of philosophy and professional training methodology, the impact of the Corona virus on Medical tourism, Arabic language course and the virtual world, mental processes and behavior modification, scientific workshop Food and health in light of the Corona pandemic, an electronic workshop on sports planning and training, a workshop on the repercussions of the Corona virus and its role of values ​​and principles in Islamic societies, a workshop on ways to reduce attempts to cheat in electronic tests, Effective learning workshop and the road to success, electronic reservation system in light of the Corona pandemic, workshop on making hope and building humanity, workshop on the role of the teacher in the virtual education system, workshop on a different method in designing electronic tests.


Published research and books:

1- The role of e-marketing in supporting quality as a competitive precedence (an applied study in a sample of Iraqi banks) Scopus

2- The importance of the relationship between green tourism and ecotourism (analytical study on the sustainability of tourism resources) global

3- Time management and its impact on service in fast food restaurants. worldwide

In addition, he supervised the research of the fourth stage students.


Responsible Committees:

Formation of a committee to prepare examination halls, formation of a committee to correct materials, formation of a committee to inventory library books and free education, formation of a procurement committee, free charge, formation of an examination and receipt committee, formation of a committee to audit assessment files, formation of a committee for absences, formation of a committee for valid and damaged materials, formation of an objections committee Applying to postgraduate studies, forming a salary committee, forming a valuation committee, forming a central engineering committee, forming a delivery and receiving committee, forming a committee to rearrange and classify books, forming committees for the Seventh International Conference, forming a follow-up committee for engineering works, forming a procurement completion committee, forming a distribution committee Granting students, forming a bid opening committee, forming an Iraqi magazine deposit committee, forming a prose committee.


Thank-You Books:

Letter of thanks and appreciation from His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research (5)

A thank you writer from the regional cultural advisor in Beirut (1)

Letters of thanks and appreciation from the President of Karbala University, number (4)

A letter of thanks from the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics (15)

A letter of thanks and appreciation from the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences No. (2)