Types of tourism
Mohamed Ali Sadiq Mohsen
Under the supervision of Asst. Lect. Ali Khalil Ibrahim Shamto
Cultural tourism: Cultural tourism is visiting countries or national or foreign people’s homelands motivated by interest in historical, cultural, heritage or artistic aspects, or learning about lifestyles or learning about aspects of people’s culture, morals and natures, and examining their most important traditional landmarks and learning about cultural lifestyles. Among the most important areas of direct cultural tourism are visiting antiquities and learning about the components of heritage in the host country.
1) Natural tourism: Heading to areas of distinctive natural landmarks, and the wealth of natural beauty, whether geological or marine landmarks, waterfalls, freshwater resources or plant formations.
2) Recreational tourism: It is also called relaxation tourism, and its areas include enjoying natural beauty, recreation, restoring and renewing human energy, seeing new countries and learning about the famous tourist attractions in them, as well as visiting famous amusement parks (Disneyland) or spending vacations in resorts.
3) Domestic tourism : It is done within the borders of the tourist country, whether by its citizens or foreigners residing in it, and the local currency is spent on it. It has different fields, some of which have religious or social motives, or visiting summer resorts and winter resorts and attending local festivals.
4) Religious tourism: This includes visits by some followers of other religions to their holy places in Palestine, the Vatican, Tibet, and others. This may be throughout the year or during certain periods.
5) Social tourism: Its main goal is to communicate, maintain kinship ties, and participate in all social occasions. Among its fields are visiting relatives in particular, and sometimes visiting close friends residing outside the country on occasions, holidays, and vacations. It includes trips for the beginning of marriage, the honeymoon, and trips by family members to attend a social occasion.