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Effects of Seasonality

Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Janan Abdul Redha Hamza
Revan Hakim Muhammad Hamoud

Many researchers believe that this phenomenon can have a significant impact on hospitality businesses and is often viewed as prohibiting the consideration of the liberal reasons for seasonality

A- Positive effects
The local community can view seasonality in a positive way as seasons with low demand provide residents with time to relax, which is essential for small family trips
In addition, the pressure resulting from severe congestion during the peak season is reduced on the transportation system, which creates time to rebuild the infrastructure if necessary

B- Negative effects of tourism seasonality

1- Economic effects: Economic effects often reach problems of excessive use or low levels during the rest of the year, thus becoming
its economic value zero, which prompts the investor to make double efforts to achieve double revenues during the seasonal boom periods to compensate for potential losses during the thunder season

2- Social effects: Seasonality exerts a kind of pressure on capabilities Social absorption in tourist destinations, where it causes problems for the host community, is mainly related to the large increase in population during the peak season, which creates pressure on the infrastructure and services. (Al-Hajji, Abdullah, 2015: 459)

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