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Results of descriptive statistical analysis of the characteristics of the research sample items

Fatima Idris Kazim
Lect. Ikhlas Ghaleb Abdul Kazim

In this section, the characteristics of the sample will be presented according to its demographic characteristics as follows:

Table No. (1) Distribution of sample items by gender

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 35% 70
Female 15% 30
Total 50% 100

We note from the table above that the sample items by gender are distributed in varying proportions. The percentage of males who responded to the questionnaire items was (70%), which is greater than the percentage of females who responded to the questionnaire items, as their percentage reached (30%).

Table No. (2) Distribution of sample items by age

Age Frequency Percentage
Less than 20 years 5%10
21-30 years 30%60
31-40 years 10%20
41-50 years 3%6
51-60 years 1%2
60 years and over 1%2
Total 50%100

As can be seen from the table above, sample items by age were distributed in varying proportions. The percentage of people who answered the questionnaire when they were less than 20 years old was 10%, while the percentage of people who answered the questionnaire when they were 21-30 years old was 60%, and the percentage of people who answered the questionnaire when they were 31-40 years old was 20%, while people between the ages of 41-50 years old accounted for 6% of the total number of respondents, while the percentage of people between the ages of 51-60 and 60 years old was 2%.

Table No. (3) Distribution of sample items according to academic qualification

Academic qualification Frequency Percentage
Preparatory 5%10
Diploma 9%18
Bachelor’s 28%56
Higher diploma 0%0
Master’s 5%10
PhD 3%6
Total 50%100

It is noted from the table above that the distributions of sample items according to academic qualification and those who answered the questionnaire were as follows: The percentage of people who obtained a preparatory certificate was (10%), while the percentage of people who obtained a diploma was (18%), and people who obtained a bachelor’s degree was (56%), and people who obtained a master’s degree was (10%), while the percentage of people who answered the questionnaire paragraphs who held a doctorate was (6%).

Table No. (4) Distribution of sample items according to years of experience

Years of experience Frequency Percentage
Less than 5 years 20%40
6-10 years 9%18
11-15 years 12%24
16-20 years 5%10
21 years and more 4%8
Total 50%100

It is noted from the table above that the distribution of sample items according to years of experience and those who answered the questionnaire items were distributed as follows: The percentage of those who answered with less than 5 years of experience was (40%), while the percentage of those with experience ranging from 6-10 years was (18%), and those with experience from 11-15 years was (24%), while those with experience from 16-20 years was (10%), while those with experience from 21 years or more were (8%).

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