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National Tourism Income

Ahmed Majed Badawi Hamza
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abd Ali Kazim Al-Fatlawi

Tourism revenue, spending, returns, receipts, income, and other terms mentioned in tourism literature are terms and concepts their owners want to use to earn income regardless of compatibility or conflict with scientific economic logic.
Perhaps the reason for this is the weakness of economic knowledge among some tourism specialists. The overlaps between these concepts and the concept of tourism income have caused great confusion that has distorted the true picture of tourism income, and this has even extended to the methods of calculating tourism income.
The problem becomes more complicated when researchers face many obstacles on the practical side, foremost of which is the lack of interest of official bodies in tourism income and methods of calculating it, and even the lack of recognition of the entitlement of tourism activity to a separate sector within the sectoral structure of the Iraqi economy, to the extent that tourism activity is merged with wholesale and retail trade within one industry. To say the least, it is an objective and illogical merger. (Abu Rabah, 2022)

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