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Tourism Promotion

Sent by: Hamid Saeed Abbas
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Najlaa Karim Mahdi

The concept of promotion in language: The word promotion means in Arabic to promote – to spend – and to promote it promotionally means to pay, so the word promotion means to pay something, and even to devote this thing, it is necessary to communicate with others and introduce them to the types of goods and services that the seller has. Promotion as an element in the marketing mix is ​​affected by decisions related to the product, price, and distribution, and the promotional mix consists of specific components, which are advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and publicity (Al-Abdali, Al-Abdali, 2013, p. 7). Tourism promotion is considered one of the most essential elements of the marketing mix because of its role in activating and attracting tourists. It creates knowledge among tourists about the company and its programs, then creates a positive interaction between the tourist and the information that reaches him through his visit and dealing with the essential tourism programs (Al-Bashir, 2016: p. 35). It is a direct or indirect communication process to guide the tourist and masks and urge him to communicate with tourism services that would return him to his natural state and protect him from the possibility of being exposed to any indicator that changes his behavior (Nawal, 2011: p. 69)
Tourism promotion is the coordination between the service provider through information outlets and in recording the efforts of the service provider for tourists or accepting a particular idea, which is one of the elements of the marketing mix, as tourism promotional activity cannot be dispensed with to achieve marketing goals for tourism institutions (Al-Ubaidi and Al-Badri, 2006, p. 7). Tourism promotion is defined as the process of creating knowledge among tourists about the company and its programs and creating positive interaction between the tourist and the information he obtained through promotional efforts and encouraging and preparing him to engage in positive behavior centered on contracting for one of the tourism programs offered by the company or creating a latent demand in him that makes him feel tense and anxious and satisfies it (Aboudi, 2016: p. 67). It is also defined as all direct and indirect efforts that aim to achieve the goals specified for him in this country’s general tourism marketing strategy. This location and tourism promotion is one of the essential elements in the marketing communication mix. It refers to all forms of communication with the market with the mission of creating and developing demand for the product, which leads to increasing the profits of the organization carrying out the promotion (Al-Nawa’irah, 20100, pp. 228-227). Tourism promotion is the process of introducing the consumer to the product, its characteristics, functions, advantages, how to use it, places, and quality in the market, in addition to trying to influence the consumer and convince him to buy the product (Botgreen, 2019: p. 6). Tourism promotion aims to clarify the country’s tourism image to influence tourists and arouse their motivations to take a trip to countries that satisfy their desires and achieve their tourism goals (Abdul Samee, 2006, p. 243). Tourism promotion is defined as a set of tools the tourism market uses to create communication channels between the market and tourists (Al-Taher, 2012, p. 93). Tourism promotion is a set of marketing efforts related to providing the consumer with information about the advantages of a specific commodity or service, arousing his interest in it, and distinguishing it from other goods. Other services are also needed to satisfy his needs and requirements and push him to purchase it and continue using it in the future (Zabat, 2018, p.

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