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Tourism Movement in the World

Mursaleen Hamed Saeed Abbas
Supervision: Asst. Prof. Dr. Najlaa Karim Mahdi

Civilized and advanced peoples have begun to deal with tourism with a more developed and advanced mentality. Suppose the development of tourism movement in the world is studied, especially in the societies of those developed peoples. In that case, we see a significant change in the trend towards entertainment and thinking about it and the system of holidays and vacations, which the middle social class and the employee class, which constitute the most significant part of tourists, were particularly interested in until they became convinced that entertainment and tourism are a culture in their lives and societies. They became accustomed to that culture, but it became one of the necessary things for their continued giving, progress, and creativity. These people have begun to develop means of entertainment and tourism and are no longer limited to what they are saturated within their countries. They began to look forward to visiting the rest of the countries, learning about other peoples’ customs and traditions and their ancient civilizations, ancient monuments, history, and archaeological heritage.
These matters have now become among the most powerful factors of global tourism attraction, which greatly affect international tourism demand, as they are among the most important components of the tourism offering. The best evidence of this is ancient civilizations, such as the ancient Egyptian civilization (Pharaonic) and its monuments that are still visible, such as the pyramids, Egyptian museums, and ancient temples, as well as the civilization of the Tigris and Euphrates Valley and its monuments, whether those that are still visible to this day, such as the monuments of Babylon, Ur, Hatra and Akar Kuf. https://mail.almerja.com

or that filled the most famous museums in the world due to smuggling or control over them in one way or another, such as the Hammurabi Obelisk, currently on display in the Louvre Museum in Paris, the original Ishtar Gate, currently in the Berlin Museum in Germany, or the Sumerian Golden Lyre, currently on display in the British Museum in London.

The researcher also believes that the goal of cultural interaction between peoples and the aspiration to rise and progress and learn from others is also one of the goals that are added to the pleasure of loving to learn about the customs and traditions of other peoples and their cultures, antiquities and ancient civilizations. From here, tourism became a culture, and from it emerged (cultural tourism), which has now become one of the world’s most important types of tourism. To understand it more accurately, we will address the definition of tourism independently of culture, arriving at a more accurate definition of cultural tourism.

Iraq’s historical monuments are of great importance for inferring the heritage of Mesopotamia and its civilizations that it witnessed 7,000 years ago and its cultural identity that was formed with the accumulations of those civilizations. It is also considered a central gateway to learning about the cultures of the ancient world and what it left behind, such as texts, systems, creativity, and ways of living in peace and war, in life and death.

These artifacts, represented in the most valuable collections of Iraqi museums, were targets of the repercussions and behaviors of the war that was launched on Iraq on April 9, 2003, whether intentionally and systematically or randomly carried out by the mob as an expression of the state they experienced, and which produced those behaviors after its demise.
A terrible catastrophe befell the heritage, antiquities, and ancient historical identity of Iraq. Museums, libraries, and manuscript houses were violated under the noses of the coalition forces that launched the war on Iraq.

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