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The Relationship between Cultural Tourism and Iraqi Civilization

Mursaleen Hamid Saeed Abbas
Supervision: Asst. Prof. Dr. Najlaa Karim Mahdi

Tourism and Iraqi civilization have a close and interconnected relationship. This integrative relationship is evident in every function that each sector provides to the other. Cultural tourism attracts large numbers of tourists, promotes and preserves heritage, and reconciles the tourist’s desires and comfort. It characterizes traditional resources and industries, conferences, festivals, and archaeological and historical landmarks.
Cultural tourism includes heritage, customary, traditions, religious, and creative tourism. Iraq is a vast tourist treasure, whether through what God Almighty has granted it in terms of natural resources represented by fertile lands and sources of fresh water, led by the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and other sources, especially in the northern regions where springs and waterfalls abound, or through what the Iraqi folk heritage has stored from ancient civilizations. Among the most significant achievements of the Iraqi civilization was the invention of many technologies such as metals, copper works, glass, lamp making, waste control, water storage, and irrigation. The Iraqi civilization was famous for manufacturing pottery and statues on ivory carvings, which many countries were famous for. The Iraqi civilization was famous for agricultural tools and machines, the textile and knitting industry, and many Sumerian records were famous for the wool industry. It was renowned for agriculture and is considered one of the most important economic components.

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