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Personal Selling

Nisreen Hamid Muzal
Supervised by: Asst Lect. Mayyasa Nazem Al-Mousawi

Personal Selling: A direct and paid communication between the service provider and his target audience through a known and specific party to influence the target audience’s behavior through communication. Personal selling is considered one of the most important elements of tourism promotion. (https://e3arabi.com).
 Personal Selling: The personal and verbal presentation of a product, service, or idea to push the prospective tourist to buy it or be convinced by it, and thus personal selling represents:
 It is a personal and direct communication process between salespeople and the target tourists.
 A persuasive method to acquire the service is in the form of a dialogue, personal confrontation, and psychological interaction between the two parties, the service provider and the tourist.
 Personal selling depends on employing tourism sales representatives to contact the tourist and convince him to purchase the tourism programs the tourism institution promotes. (Amana, Zainab, 2018: 35-36)
 Objectives of personal selling:
There are many objectives, including the following:
 Building a relationship with targeted tourists for tourist hotels that wish to continue to grow and develop. (Hilu, 2009: 172)
 Increasing revenues
 Collecting market information by communicating with potential tourists.
 Educating tourists
 Improving the reputation of the tourist hotel
 Collecting tourists’ opinions. (https://aynalarab.net)
3. Sales activation/sales promotion:
 Sales activation is a set of incentive tools designed to activate the process of buying or selling service products for tourist hotels during a specific period.
 Sales activation: It is a set of diverse things that contain incentive tools designed to have a quick and short-term effect on accelerating tourists’ purchasing of goods and services. (Aisha, 2018: 82)
 Sales activation/sales promotion objectives:
Sales promotion is considered a tactical activity within the promotional tools used by the marketing department and in implementing its strategy. This is because the tourist hotel uses this method to achieve a quick impact on the tourist and for short-term goals that are mainly limited to encouraging him to buy or motivating the intermediary to establish a relationship with the company; in addition, it seeks to achieve added value for the product or service provided to the consumer, which is what he seeks when making the purchase.

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