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Elements of the Tourism Promotional Mix

Nisreen Hamid Muzal
Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Mayyasa Nazem Al-Mousawi

The tourism promotional mix is ​​similar to the tourism marketing mix, as it contains a set of elements and tools used by the marketing management of tourism organizations to promote their services effectively. The tourism promotional mix is ​​one tool used in tourism institutions to communicate with tourists and influence their behavior, as it includes a number of means that can be used to promote tourism services.

1. Tourism advertising:
Advertising has a special place in the promotional mix, as some see it as a synonym for (promotion) compared to other promotional activities within the promotional mix. Several definitions of tourism advertising have been mentioned, including the following:
 Tourism advertising is an impersonal means of presenting goods, services, and ideas by a known party in return for a paid fee. (Al-Junaidi, 2021: 19 – 20)
 Tourism advertising: The various aspects of activity lead to the publication or broadcasting of visual or audio advertising messages to the public to attract the tourist’s attention to acquire or buy the commodity or service or to accept the ideas, people, or hotels advertised. (Al-Barzanji, 2009: 88)
 Tourism advertising: Kotler defined it as conveying information from one party to another, and the declared goal is to convince the tourist to participate in tourism activities, purchase all tourism services, repeat the visit, and convey these ideas to new tourists. It is necessary for tourism organizations to have multiple advertising tools and means that keep pace with the development taking place in the field of modern technology. (Kazem, Mohsen, 314: 2022)
 Tourism advertising: It provides information and data to targeted tourists, including the places that can be visited, accommodation prices and duration, programs designated for visiting archaeological, historical, and religious landmarks, entertainment places, and cultural centers, as well as the tourism services provided. (Badia, 82:2006)
The functions of advertising include:
1. Urging prospective tourists and encouraging current tourists to purchase goods or services by diverting their attention, stimulating their senses, and pushing them to buy.
2. Psychologically prepare these tourists to accept these goods and services while they are in a state of mental and psychological satisfaction.
3. Assisting the producer and distributor in selling their goods or services.
4. Contributing significantly to increasing sales, which in turn helps to increase profits.
5. Helping to rid goods and products of damage and obsolescence.
6. Contributing to the disposal of products that have not been popular.

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