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By: Widiyan Baram Jawish
Supervised by Asst. Prof. Fatima Saloum Ismail

Karbala Cultural Heritage

Preserving Karbala cultural heritage has become a matter of great interest, as it is one of the essential components for revealing the civilizational depth of any nation and highlighting its artistic and intellectual development, as it is considered a material guide for writing history and is considered one of the main distinguishing characteristics of individuals in societies over time. Its elements vary between cultural heritage, folk heritage, natural heritage, architectural heritage, Islamic heritage, and other types, each unique in expressing a specific field.

Based on this diversity of types of heritage, many definitions have addressed this topic according to the different visions of researchers in this field and the differences in their sciences and research methods.
First: – Defining cultural heritage in language and terminology
Heritage: Defining heritage is not easy; rather it is a concept of that human, moral, or spiritual specificity that is in solidarity and interacts with the function (Hijab, 2010: 32)
As a group of legacies transferred from the previous generation – fathers and grandfathers to the current generation, these legacies vary between material legacies, such as tools and equipment, and the method of manufacture, and moral legacies, such as customs and traditions. Without heritage, there would be no presence of civilization that distinguishes peoples from each other and preserves its inheritors from loss and displacement. (Alal, 17: 2021).
One of the most essential types of heritage is cultural heritage.
1- The term (cultural heritage) is a broad term that casts its shadow on a group of multiple titles as this term is used in various jurisprudential and legal research. (Fatahi, 2018: 24) 2- Definition of cultural heritage in language / Heritage in language: A source from the word inheritance is what a man leaves behind for his heirs. It is said inherited, inherited, inheritance, and inheritance, meaning one thing. Heritage is originally an inheritor, so the taa was replaced with the waw, which is what the deceased leaves behind of money inherited from him. It is said that he inherited knowledge, righteousness, and the like: that is, he attained it, achieved it, and settled for it. (Sawla, 2021: 13)
3- Definition of Iraqi cultural heritage
Cultural heritage is the legacy that successors inherit from predecessors, which necessitates preserving it, reviving it, transferring it, continuing it, and passing it on from one generation to another, which is at the core of the meaning of heritage. Iraq is distinguished by its possession of 15,000 archaeological sites and much more than archaeological and religious buildings, landmarks, and historical centers, in addition to manuscripts, archives, cultural monuments, and artistic paintings of national importance. However, Iraq suffers from a cultural loss at unprecedented rates (Youssef, Ds: 5).

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