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The Tourism Offer of the City of Karbala is Determined by the Following Factors‍

By: Muhammad Riyad Kazim Supervised by: Lect. Yasmine Hatem Badid‍

The historical factor represented by the presence of the shrine of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and his brother Abbas (peace be upon him) and the arrival of visitors to perform the rites of visiting it from inside and outside, which constitutes a factor of attraction for capital to establish tourism facilities and thus expand the tourism offer‍

B) Prices of the tourism product, as the higher the prices of the tourism product, the greater the tourism offer‍

C) Production costs and the inverse relationship‍

D) The use of modern technical means, although tourism is basically based on the labor element‍

*It is known that the religious tourism offer in the city of Karbala differs from the general tourism offer as it is not subject to competition from other tourist attractions inside and outside Iraq‍

(3) Al-Ansari, Dr. Raouf Muhammad Ali, Book, Tourism in Iraq and its Role in Development and Reconstruction, Al-Aalami Printing Foundation. P. 35‍

(4) Al-Ansari. Raouf Mohammed Ali, Tourism in Iraq and its Role in Development and Reconstruction, Al-Alami Printing Foundation, p. 35.‍

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