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The Importance of the Tourism Offer for the Cities of the Holy Shrines‍

By: Muhammad Riyad Kazim Supervised by: Lect. Yasmine Hatem Badid‍

The tourism offer is the sum of goods and services related to the tourism product, which are offered by producers, whether they are from the public, private or mixed sectors, at a certain price level. The offer is usually linked to the producer’s desire to provide his services under certain conditions related to the market.‍

As for the tourism offer related to religious tourism:‍
The matter takes on deeper dimensions because this type of tourism carries civilizational, social, cultural and religious dimensions beyond the issue of economic return, and the benefit of religious tourism in a matter related to supra-material standards, so the demand for it is present and grows and flourishes with the development of generations due to the status of religious shrines and their sanctity in the souls of Muslims who visit them. Therefore, the basic components of the religious tourism offer related to spaces and urban fabric and religious Wali Badr and the efforts required to develop accommodation, housing and food services and all these variables show the extent of human interest in developing this present, as the presence of the holy shrines, which are considered the basic components of activating religious tourism demand, is not enough, but there must be superstructures, infrastructure and foundations and basic services that facilitate access and comfort the souls so that the visitor carries a material impression that complements the spiritual and religious impression and interacts with it (4)‍

In other words, the religious tourism offer is all the requirements of goods, equipment and services that must be provided by the places of tourist destination for visitors, i.e. it is a product of religious tourism From transportation, accommodation, food and drink services, religious services, a group of other services and goods purchased by visitors such as information services, specialized press, travel and roaming clubs, explanatory and guidance services, historical and religious exhibitions.‍

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