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Predictive values ​​in the movies “Corona Virus as a model”‍

Lect. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hamid Dhaidan – University of Karbala – College of Tourism Sciences‍


Since the emergence of cinematic art and after its artistic and intellectual signs appeared early, it began to spread very quickly in various fields of life, whether at the level of presentation or at the level of presenting topics related to human needs, whether at the economic, intellectual, political, social, and other levels.‍
What is striking is that the movie, with its effectiveness in being received by the viewer, has invaded life with attractive and diverse topics that may be in harmony with the reality of present daily life or what the world has witnessed in past incidents represented in historical films or with what it raises of topics that touch on future issues which are usually linked to foresight, whether this foresight is of the optimistic type that allows a person to contemplate a new world that enjoys luxury and technological, economic and social progress, or it is a type of pessimistic foresight and a pessimistic vision that sees that the world is facing difficult days and that it is heading towards the unknown and that economic and technological progress is only the beginning of this decline and regression. This presentation of topics in both directions was absorbed by the movie and presented in models that later became among the most important topics that excite the viewer and are more effective in attracting them to the box office. This is due to many reasons, including the ability of cinema, with its expressive and technical tools, to embody and influence. The other matter is the general situation that the world is witnessing in terms of changes, and even major leaps on the intellectual, scientific, cultural, political, and so on levels, which made the individual, in the midst of those changes and the great discoveries that accompanied them, search for himself, his future, and what his fate will lead to. It is not surprising that cinema has dealt with futuristic topics since an early age, such as the film (A Trip to the Moon) by Georges Méliès, which was produced in 1902 and which talks about some of the inhabitants of the Earth going to the moon, and many films that talked about future matters based on current events, such as the film Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin, which was produced in 1933, in which he predicted that machines would control humanity in the future, leading to the spread of unemployment in the capitalist world. If we tried to list the films that talk about this field, the list would be long and there is no room to write on these pages. The topics related to the fate of man and the world may be the most attractive and attention-grabbing topics, especially after cinema relied on superior technologies that enabled it to create worlds that no other art could achieve, and made the viewer not content with looking at them but interacting, participating and immersed in the details of their events. Therefore, the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of this century witnessed a clear trend towards topics that tend towards anticipating the issues of man and the world and the fate to which it leads. Until man became very attached to the topics of cinema, as soon as something happens in the world, you find that individuals in any part of the world search the list of produced films in the hope of finding films that simulate this event from near or far. Therefore, the cinematic film has become similar to a predictive reference that presents future events with sound and image. It is a document not from the past but a future document that simulates the coming days. It is not strange that the movie has been raising topics for many years due to the outbreak of the Corona virus epidemic today, and many incidents that preceded this event, such as the attack on the World Trade Center, which was covered by many films, including (The Long Kiss Good Night) directed by Renny Harlin, produced in 1996, in‍

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