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Geographical Distribution of Natural Resources‍

By: the student Muhammad Riyad Kazim‍
Supervised by: Lect. Yasmine Hatem Badid‍

Natural resources:‍

First… Lake Razzaza:‍
Lake Razzaza is located west of the city of Karbala, and its area varies according to the different levels, ranging from 1500 km2 to 1810 km2. This lake has a good fish wealth and occupies a position (1 (ranging from 1500 km2 – 1810 km2 and occupies a prominent tourist site among the tourist places in the country‍

Second… Natural water springs in Ain al-Tamr:‍
Where Ain al-Tamr district is famous for its bright orchards and mineral waters, and is located in the middle of the desert near the Abi Dabs marsh, and a group of sulfur springs are spread in it from which water flows throughout the year, namely the large spring, the red spring, the Mirza spring, the Seeb spring, the Umm al-Kawani spring, and the officers spring (25). Its importance is highlighted by the fact that tourists visit it for the purpose of recovery and treatment And enjoy its natural location.‍

Thirdly… Al-Akhdar Fort:‍

It is one of the best palaces that have remained in its general form, and the fort is located in the western desert, 51 km to the southwest of the city of Karbala and about 20 km from the city of Ain Tamr. As for the date of its construction, most researchers believe that it dates back to the Abbasid era.26 Its importance is highlighted by the fact that it is one of the important historical palaces that still maintains its status despite the climatic changes that the region has undergone.‍

25) Al-Hassuni, Muhammad Muslim, Developing tourism potential within the framework of regional development, Master’s thesis submitted to the Center for Urban and Regional Planning, University of Baghdad, 1990: p. (57).‍

26) Al-Ta’mah, Hadi, previous source: p. (154)‍

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