Sports Tourism and Economic Development
Sports tourism plays a fundamental role in economic development, as its popularity directly affects the economy and the popularity of industries and activities resulting from it. Spending on services and goods related to the sporting event leads to the transfer of money from the pockets of tourists to the pockets of the owners of these services, such as staying in hotels, visiting restaurants and cafes, and purchasing goods and services from shops. There is no doubt that the more the flow of sports tourism increases, especially during sporting events, whether local or international, the more public spending on consumer goods increases, and thus savings rates rise, which activates these industries and services related to the tourism industry, which leads to the expansion of the scope of work in these industries and services related to this industry. It is accepted in economic theory that every new investment results in new income and sports tourism achieves important humanitarian goals. Young people head to the Olympics, reside in them, exchange knowledge, and return together as friends without discrimination. Based on the importance of sports tourism, the World Tourism Organization has declared 2004 the year of sports tourism, as the latter and the International Olympic Committee confirmed in a joint message between them that tourism and sports are two powerful tools for sustainable development (airports, roads, restaurants, Sports complexes, hotels (these projects benefit locals and visitors, and tourism and sports contribute to bringing people together, which leads to the formation of strong friendships between people, not to mention economic growth and the provision of job opportunities. They also contribute to stimulating internal and external tourism, and thus raising the level of the national economy by holding sports competitions to attract large numbers of tourists for the purpose of participating in these events and sports tournaments, just as they support the economies of other countries, and also provide foreign currency and contribute to the development of productive and service sectors such as industry and transportation [1].
[1] محسن ميلاد الطرهوني وآخرون، النقل السياحي ودوره في تنمية السياحة الرياضية، مجلة العلوم الرياضية والمرتبطة، العدد 21، 2014، ص .94