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Development is one of the most common terms in economic and administrative literature, and it often means gradual change for the better and better, and development differs from sudden and rapid change as occurs in revolutions and military and political coups. Development is a multi-project that aims to reach the highest levels of well-being and prosperity in human life. It is a scientific method that aims to reach a higher stage than the previous stage, which is a stage characterized by progress and advancement (1)

It can be defined as follows:

Development in the Arabic language is the letter “ta”, “waw” and “ra”, a correct root that indicates one meaning, which is the extension of something, from place and time. From this, the extension of the house, which extends with its destruction (2).
It means “developing original products, product improvements, product modifications, and new brands through the efforts made in research and development (3).
It is “a process that concerns human life and is linked to the human being’s ability to survive longer, protect himself from epidemics, learn and be free from illiteracy. It also means protecting himself from hunger and food shortages and enjoying personal freedom (1).

It is also “a multi-dimensional project for the purpose of reaching the highest social, economic and living levels for all people” (2).

In the administrative dictionary, development means “growth in the economic and social fields of the state” (3).

It is “an economic process that aims to increase the real income of the national economy for a long period of time. If the rate of development is greater than the rate of increase in population, then the national income will increase for a long period and for all capital” (4).

It is also “a process of emergence linked to tourism activity” (5).

From the above, we see that development is concerned with social and economic development, and increasing the average income of the individual, which is reflected in his well-being and his advancement towards a better life. It is a process that concerns people’s lives and is linked to the human being’s ability to give in order to reach the highest levels.

(2 ) ريام عبد الوهاب العزاوي, اثر الطلب السياحي في تطوير واقع المنشآت السياحية, رسالة ماجستير, قسم السياحة وادارة الفنادق, كلية الادارة والاقتصاد, الجامعة المستنصرية, 2011,ص19.

(3) الحسين احمد بن فارس بن زكريا, معجم مقاييس اللغة, تحقيق عبد السلام هارون, الجزء الثالث, الدار الاسلامية للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع, بيروت, 1990, ص430.

(3) Philip Kotler Gary Armstrong, Arabization DM Sorour Ali Ibrahim Srour marketing basics, English edition, the first book, House of Mars for publication and distribution, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 2004, p 530.

Murad .Salah AL.deen and .other Development Report,1995,p3.(1)

Pubishedby unitedslat Developmentof public information.AgenAs Newyourk ,1997,p23. (2)

(3) محمد ابي بكر عبد القادر الرازي, مختار الصحاح, دار الرسالة للنشر, الكويت, 1983, ص399.

4)) Published by the united states, Development of public informating, agenda for Development ,Newyourk,1977,p:1.

(5) د. حميد عبد النبي الطائي, اصول صناعة السياحة, دار الوراق للنشر والتوزيع, الطبعة الثانية, عمان الاردن,2006, ص28.

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