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Areas of tourism investment

We find that the areas covered by tourism investment are multiple and diverse, and they include investment in the main components and capabilities of the tourism industry, and are in turn divided into two main axes:‍
First) Investment in tourism equipment and facilities, which are technically known as “tourism services”‍
And include all of:‍
1- Accommodation and catering services and entertainment facilities: These are represented by “hotels and tourist resorts”, and everything related to the tourist’s stay from accompanying services such as food and other entertainment services.‍
2- Transportation services: These include building roads and providing transport vehicles for tourists, as well as building airports and providing transportation lines between the tourist’s country and the host country.‍
3- Communication services: These include providing a mobile phone network, especially in desert areas visited by tourists, as well as providing Internet services with good flow, in order to provide all the conditions for the tourist’s enjoyment.‍
Second) Investing in tourism wealth: Investment in this field is mainly focused on tourist attractions and their resources, which are:‍
– Investing in natural resources “natural heritage sites”: This is done by paying attention to the natural resources of the host country by preserving them.‍
– Investing in cultural resources “cultural heritage sites”: This is done by encouraging and organizing cultural festivals, preserving antiquities, and opening archaeological areas to the public and private sectors for investment.‍
(Al-Zahrani and Qasima, 2008: 16)‍

The importance of investment:‍
Investment has gained its importance through the positive results it has provided that reflect its effects on the national economy as a whole, whether the investment is public or private sector. Thus, investments are a measure of the development and growth of peoples if governments or concerned parties manage this economic activity well. Therefore, many countries that have been able to invest in their various economic sectors have been able to emerge from the crucible of poverty to prosperity and economic development and provide job opportunities for the unemployed, and thus it contributes to solving part of the problems that society suffers from, which is the problem of unemployment. In addition, it contributes to the investment of raw materials. (Issa and Hassan, 2017: 8)‍

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