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Types of events and celebrations

4. Burning Man Festival – Nevada – America: This annual event extends for a full week in the middle of the Black Rock Desert in Nevada and begins on the last Monday in August and ends on the first Monday in September, and was held for the first time in 1986, and attracts tens of thousands of tourists annually and a large wooden effigy is burned and has no specific goal but invites participants to express themselves and participate socially and support artists and distribute gifts.

5. Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival – Harbin – China: It is the largest ice and snow festival in the world, where the largest ice sculptures in the world are made. It was first held in 1963 and since then it has been held annually on January 5 and continues for a month or more. ([2])

6. Tomato Throwing Festival – Banol – Spain: It is originally a huge fight using tomatoes, and participants in this festival throw tomatoes at each other for fun. It is held on the last Wednesday of August as part of a week-long celebration in Banol, and its celebration began in 1945.

Lantern Festival – Taiwan: It is a Chinese festival that coincides with the last day of the Lunar New Year celebrations and dates back 2000 years. It usually takes place in February or March of each year. Many activities are held throughout Taiwan, and thousands of lanterns and lamps are hung in the sky of the Pingxi area in wonderful, unforgettable light shows.

7. Monkey Festival in Thailand: One of the strangest festivals in the world, it is held in the Thai city of Lopburi and a large group of monkeys in the city provide food to the monkeys in a very wonderful way, and many monkeys are invited to this table and offered fruits and vegetables.

8. Majnbi Festival in China: The Chinese celebrate on the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, on the occasion of Chinese Valentine’s Day, where girls pray on this day to get a good husband.

9. Wife Carrying Festival in Finland: In the city of Sonkajarvi, this festival is held every year, where the man carries his wife and runs with her for long distances without her falling from him, and the festival prize is honey equal to the weight of his wife.

10. Worm Attraction Festival in Britain: This celebration is held every year in May, where all residents try to attract worms from the ground, but their basic condition is that no one uses chemicals.

11. Copperhill Cheese Rolling Festival in the United Kingdom: The cheese rolling festival that takes place in the spring in the city of Copperhill, where the contestants run after the rolling cheese discs on the hill, and all participants must hold the disc that may reach a distance of 70 meters per hour, but it is very difficult for the participants because it will expose them to extensive injuries throughout their body.

Sporting events in general have become major attractions in any society, and one of the most prominent of these sporting events is the World Cup, which is considered one of the most important sporting events in the world and has a major role in attracting tourists, as well as other sports tournaments such as continental tournaments, that is, at the continental level, where those seeking this type of tourism flock to the towns that participate in this event. One of the most important sporting events in Europe is the Champions League football tournament, which has a wide impact on the world, especially in the European continent.

Sporting festivals can be divided in terms of level into:

1. Local Festival: These are internal sports festivals held at the country level, i.e. the “local league” or other internal competitions. 2. International Festival: These are festivals in which many countries participate for the purpose of competition and enjoying the atmosphere of the championship. And entertaining the audience who attends the competition venue (stadium).


([1]  بشأن احصاء الاحتفالات وانواعها انظر الموقع الالكتروني التي  https://ar.ihodl.com

([2])  وليد عوض ، سافر للسياحة في اوربا ، ط1 ، دار الفكر العربي ، بيروت ، لبنان ، 2004، ص143- ص155.

([3] د . محيا زيتون ، السياحة ومستقبل مصر، كتاب منشور على الموقع الالكتروني الاتي :       https://www.kutub-pdf.net/book.

([4]د. وليد عوض ، مصدر سابق ، ص 75.

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