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Types of events and celebrations

Each country has a group of national or national celebrations and occasions in which work is suspended, and citizens of these countries may take a leave on this occasion and this leave is for a day or several days

There are many annual festivals in different parts of the world that attract thousands of tourists annually, which vary between cultural, religious, entertainment festivals and others. Some of the most beautiful and important annual festivals in the world can be presented:

1. Rio Festival – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil: It is the largest and most famous carnival in the world and annually attracts countless tourists from all over the world, and every day of the carnival, 2 million people are present in the colorful streets of the city, and it is held before Lent every year, i.e. February and March, and its beginning dates back to the 18th century.

2. San Fermin Festival – Pamplona – Spain: It is held every year from noon on July 6 until midnight on July 14, and the biggest event is the bullfighting, which is held at 8 pm every day of the festival, and is attended annually by more than a million people.

3. Venice Festival – Venice – Italy: This festival dates back to the Middle Ages in the early 12th century, and was stopped for a long time and then returned again in 1979, and unique masks are worn during the festival days and is also held before Lent in February or March, and many tourists travel annually to participate in this occasion.



([1]  بشأن احصاء الاحتفالات وانواعها انظر الموقع الالكتروني التي  https://ar.ihodl.com

([2])  وليد عوض ، سافر للسياحة في اوربا ، ط1 ، دار الفكر العربي ، بيروت ، لبنان ، 2004، ص143- ص155.

([3] د . محيا زيتون ، السياحة ومستقبل مصر، كتاب منشور على الموقع الالكتروني الاتي :       https://www.kutub-pdf.net/book.

([4]د. وليد عوض ، مصدر سابق ، ص 75.

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