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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Addressing Tourism Crises

By: Ghufran Abdullah Ali

Supervised by: Asst. Prof. Imran Kazim Al-Karkoshi

The scientific developments, information and communications revolution and their foreseeable and combined applications in the third decade of the third millennium, of the twenty-first century, have created an administrative reality different from what it was in previous decades. The manifestations of the new reality resulted in the decline of many intellectual concepts and systems that previous administrative studies relied on, which made modern administrative methods almost unrelated to what the reality of administrative thought and its applications were in the past decades, as tourism service providers around the world seek to keep pace with everything new in the field of information technology in order to increase their sales, as well as meet the desires and needs of current and prospective tourists.
Artificial intelligence is considered one of the most important modern forms of technology, and many information technology companies around the world have begun to provide many technological applications based on the idea of ​​artificial intelligence, that is, on the idea of ​​the machine thinking logically, analyzing data, and solving problems in a way that mimics the human mind, which can be used strongly in analyzing a lot of data and coming up with a lot of information and results that benefit the tourism sector and develop its performance. However, some believe that this will negatively affect the tourism sector in the future. Artificial intelligence is used to collect and analyze real-time data on tourist flows, weather conditions, availability of transportation, and other related factors, which enables tourism crises to make informed and proactive decisions to manage visitor flows, avoid congestion, and improve the quality of tourism services. The researcher tried in her research entitled (The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Addressing Tourism Crises) to show the results of the research problem and its hypotheses after studying and searching in books and all special and related literature on the topic of the role of artificial intelligence in addressing tourism crises.

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