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The Impact of Media on Tourism Marketing, Karbala City as a Model‍

By: Hassan Abbas Jabbar‍

Supervised by: Lect. Dr. Dhiaa Radhi Al-Safi‍

Media is one of the most important practices that have accompanied human societies since their beginnings, as societies practiced media in different ways in order to deliver the media message to the public, and as a result of the development achieved by man in all areas of life, the media and its means have developed greatly and the role of the media has increased and it has become a distinguished presence and it is not satisfied with transmitting information because it is a source of obtaining knowledge, but it has gone beyond that to influence the public’s trends and to form a constructive awareness to reach a media-developed society. Tourism media lays the foundations of tourism knowledge through the data, information and events it publishes about tourism activity in various tourism media outlets related to defining the tourism potential enjoyed by any of the tourist attractions. The religious tourism attractions, including the services and facilities they provide, are the most important elements of tourism attraction and one of the basic pillars of the tourism offering for any country. They are important tourist attractions, especially for countries that suffer from a lack of tourist attractions. Iraq is one of the tourist countries that is distinguished by the presence of all types of tourist attractions, in which religious tourism represents the main pillar of tourism activity in Iraq. The city of Karbala is one of the most important and famous tourist, historical and religious cities at the local, regional and international levels, which is distinguished by the presence of major religious tourism attractions. Therefore, developing the religious tourism attractions in the city of Karbala through tourism media is one of the important topics that shed light on the religious tourism potential in the city of Karbala and ways to develop and exploit them by investing them in the best way and maximizing their economic, social and cultural benefits. Regarding the research methodology, I divided the research into five sections. In the first section, I discussed and explained tourism media, its importance, objectives, characteristics and dimensions. In the third section, I talked about tourism marketing, its concept, importance, characteristics, objectives and dimensions. In the fourth section, I talked about the practical and statistical aspects. In the fifth section, I referred to the conclusions and recommendations.‍

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