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(The Aesthetic Values ​​of Karbala’s Cultural Heritage and its Importance in Tourism Development)‍

Widiyan Baram Jawish‍

Supervised by: Asst.Prof. Fatima Salloum Ismail‍

The follower of the historical development of cultural heritage protection concludes the great interest that the subject of cultural heritage protection and the cultural, archaeological and aesthetic tourism components enjoyed by the holy Karbala Governorate and the investment of Karbala’s cultural heritage that achieves a good income for the country through holding scientific conferences and seminars related to the protection of cultural heritage. The research objectives are to develop a set of plans and strategies that enable it to keep pace with the rapid development in cultural and archaeological tourism relations and make Karbala Governorate a tourist destination. The research hypothesis was that Karbala Governorate is rich in many tourism, cultural and archaeological capabilities and activities that, if optimally invested, can contribute to pushing the wheel of tourism growth forward.‍

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