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Characteristics of Celebrations and Occasions


Occasions and celebrations have multiple characteristics from different aspects, as the occasion or celebration has a characteristic from various aspects, so the most prominent of these characteristics will be stated below:

1- Occasions and celebrations are considered a global international concept, as all countries of the world include a large group of occasions of different nature, and each governorate, region and area must contain a specific occasion.

2- It can be said that occasions and celebrations, regardless of their type, are considered a social practice, as there must be an occasion, ritual or celebration, and then we can consider occasions and celebrations a social state.

3- All of humanity practices the performance of specific appropriate activities, either in the form of specific gatherings that are linked by different ties or individually and personally, and in all cases, where a person believes, there is a meaning of celebration and occasion, and thus it can be said that celebrations and occasions are of a human nature.

4- It can be said that one of the most important characteristics of celebrations and occasions is that they are diverse and different, as occasions may be religious, social or political, and they may also be specific to a certain race, sect or doctrine.

5- Occasions and celebrations, regardless of their nature, type or place, are of a historical nature, meaning that they are a practice that has been prevalent since the dawn of history and have diversified, differed and developed with the development of historical eras until they became what they are now, whether in terms of type, multiplicity or the mechanism of practice in the countries of the modern world.


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([2])  سعد احمد ابو رمان ، عادل سعيد الراوي ، المدخل الى صناعة السياحة ، المفهوم والممارسات  ، ط1، دار الكتاب الجامعية ، لبنان ،، بيروت ، 2019لا، ص 77- ص79.

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