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Tips before traveling

Traveling outside the borders of the country, especially to countries that differ culturally and linguistically, represents a different travel experience of a new language, customs and food. And as it carries within it a lot of fun and excitement, it also bears some challenges in communicating with people. Here are some tips for traveling abroad.

1. Planning is half the fun

Traveling, as in others, the more you know about what you want to go to, the more spontaneous and confident your movement will be. Before traveling, see the maps and try to get to know the main roads, the location of the hotel, the places you will need on the first day, shopping places, restaurants, public transportation, stations near you, the forms of road signs and the cost of international calls. This will reduce the pressure on you and then let yourself roam Freely and away from sticking to fixed steps and a specific routine, i.e. “plan a little and then have fun.”

Use social networks

Social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook, provide the opportunity to communicate with millions of people of different nationalities, and their use is very useful in planning the trip. Ask and get what you need information and experiences from previous travelers and at the same time share with others your experiences, photos and opinion about The trip. There are also many airlines and travel agencies on these sites.

Watch virtual tours

One of the best ways to know about a city before visiting it is to download maps and virtual tours about it, and many cities, landmarks and tourist sites offer free maps and audio and video explanations on the Internet and also through Apple’s iTunes website; This allows you to visit what really interests you and saves research time after arrival.

2. Keep a copy of your travel documents

One of the most difficult problems facing travelers is the loss of travel documents such as a passport and others. To overcome them before traveling, take a photocopy of your passport, birth certificate, your trip plan, flight reservations, hotel reservation confirmation, and save them in your e-mail. In case they are lost, you can get copies of them. Easily.

If, after arriving, you plan to take a walk around the paved streets like Barcelona, ​​or take the metro in Paris, don’t take a wheeled suitcase; They are suitable for airports and straight paved roads. As for gravel roads, they will not be comfortable, as the wheels will get stuck in small pebbles and bricks, and it will be difficult to move and turn around with them, in addition to their loud sound and damage, so it is better to use a backpack or a bag with a shoulder strap.

Write your details inside the bag

In addition to having your data such as your name, flight and address installed outside the bag, it is better to write another piece of paper and put it inside the bag with the address and phone of your hotel; In case the bag is lost, they can find you during the trip and accommodation.

Buy clothes while traveling

This depends on your destination during travel. Places such as Thailand and Hong Kong sell very good clothes at an affordable price. It is possible to take your necessary clothes with you for the first days of your travels and then buy after that, and this will reduce the weight of bags and therefore the fees for excess weight. Of course not. It is suitable for cities like London and Tokyo where clothing prices are very expensive.

4. Jet lag

5. Language

Being a stranger in a country and not knowing its language may hinder you in communicating with people for request or acquaintance. Here are some tips to overcome the language problem:

If you are not familiar enough with the language of the country you are visiting, use small cards the size of phone cards, and before traveling write or use someone to write to you in the local language the usual questions that you will need and on the other hand write a translation of it in your language so that you can identify it; Having such cards will make it easier for you to understand with others, and you can write questions about the address of the hotel, public bathrooms, the police, the places you will visit, public transportation and the hospital, as well as cards for what to eat and what not to eat if you are allergic to some ingredients or Medical contraindications or allergy.


The cards carry pictures of the most famous landmarks of each city and are suitable for gifting to your family and friends after returning, and they also have another use. Instead of carrying large travel guides, you can show them to the taxi driver and he will know the place you want, especially if the language used is an obstacle in front of you, and it is possible that Write your memories behind them or add them to your diary about the trip.

understanding in writing

Make sure to always have a small notebook or papers with you on the go, especially when you do not know or master the local language. It is possible to write the address or word or draw directions to make sure that others understand exactly what you want; Writing in these times is clearer than pronunciation.

In general, learn words such as good morning, please, thank you, and apology; It will help you to communicate with others a bit and reduce your sense of alienation.


6. Use a printed map

Many taxi drivers, especially in European countries, rely on GPS or GPS, but it is possible that you may not find the address you want available, so it is possible to present the map printed to the driver and keep several copies for need.

In order not to look like a lost tourist, he simplifies a large map in front of him to search in. Before traveling, buy a notebook or notebook and divide the maps for separate areas and print them and paste them in the notebook, with markings and colors on important places such as directions from and to the airport and the hotel. On the opposite page, you can write addresses, phone numbers and notes, and this combines the map with addresses in one place and is easier to carry while roaming

Write down your notes first

If you are a fan of keeping small souvenirs such as metro tickets, buses, museums, newspapers, etc., after you return home, you will find the bag full of your beautiful memories scattered, and it will take you time to arrange them and you may dispose of them in the end, and to overcome that take a notebook with you and a stick or Photo album and put these things in it with your impressions

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