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INDABA is the largest tourism marketing exhibition in the world

The Indaba Tourism Fair, which is held in South Africa annually, is considered one of the largest tourism marketing exhibitions on the African tourism map, and one of the three most important exhibitions for tourism and travel in the world, whose visit is a necessity for all those interested in the tourism and travel industry.

The aim of this global event is to promote the diversity and difference of the tourism product in Africa in general, and in South Africa in particular, and to attract global tourism, media and press from all parts of the world.

The exhibition is supervised and organized by the Ministry of Tourism in South Africa. For two consecutive years, the exhibition has won the award for the best travel and tourism exhibition in Africa, which was awarded to it by the Association of World Travel Awards. .

Indaba provides the opportunity for tourism and travel workers, as well as ordinary visitors who intend to travel to South Africa, the opportunity to discover all that is new in the tourism product, ranging from tourism programs to flight and hotel offers, especially for those who like to travel alone without the need to resort to the services of companies and tourism agents.

The tourism fair is held in Durban, South Africa in May every year. May is a very suitable time to visit South Africa. May is your chance to enjoy the African autumn in its most beautiful form.

Many African countries participate in the exhibition; From Zimbabwe, Zambia, Wetswana, Namibia and others to Tanzania and Kenya, with special participation from the islands of the Indian Ocean; Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius and others. .

The South African government is very interested in this important event beyond its interest in its exports of gold abroad, due to the importance of the foreign currency that tourism generates in advancing the economy and building development, as well as its contribution to solving the unemployment problem, especially when you know that every 12 tourists visit South Africa They create a job opportunity.

The activities of the tourism exhibition are not without some field visits to tourist attractions, and the South African Ministry of Tourism has set the 10th of May 2014 as the date for the start of the activities of the Indaba tourism exhibition.

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