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A person can deal with the speed of emotional arousal and anger without reckless impulses or foolish emotions that disrupt sound thinking.. It also neutralizes feelings of anger and gives the individual stability and calmness, and it is one of the factors that greatly affect access to good and innovative solutions.

There are commandments and concepts that can benefit a person in such situations:

Respecting the opponent and avoiding the use of hurtful words or hints is very helpful in solving the problem and not complicating it
Self-confidence and to meet your opponent without provocation and without shaking or agitation
To sit still and calm
Better wait until you hear the whole other point of view
When you are surprised by a battle or an attack that you are not ready for, do not focus your focus on the topic of discussion, but on the angry person himself by firmly stating that the discussion with emotions will not reach a result and you can withdraw under the pretext of verifying the information or the speech that was presented or on the pretext of studying the topic
There is also a negative questioning method when the problem is with a boss or an important person in your life and you do not want to lose him by admitting that there is a mistake and then expressing your willingness to fix it, and you can even ask him if there are any other negatives that he thinks need to be changed.

Flexibility and the so-called emotional discoloration is an important matter that you must bear in mind so that you are able to show praise, appreciation and praise if necessary (without hypocrisy or exaggeration). quickly.

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