Psychological engineering is the proposed Arabic term for what is called (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) or Linguistic Programming of the Nervous System. The nervous system is the one that controls the body’s functions, performance, and activities, such as behavior, thinking, and feeling. Language is the means of dealing with others. As for programming, it is the method of forming the image of the outside world in the human mind, that is, programming the human brain.
When we buy a computer it is like any new computer, it contains the known parts in addition to the operating system. But after we use it for a period of time (one or two years, for example), there will be programs, information, numbers, texts, graphics, and so on, that are different from what is in another device. Likewise, a person is born on instinct and his father is a Jew, Christian or transcendent. A person acquires from his parents (and his family, school, and society) his beliefs, values, standards, behavior, and way of thinking. All this through his senses, and through the language that he hears since his childhood, and reads when he learns to read. All this information goes to his brain and nervous system, and it forms a picture of the sign through that. He has only that world that has been formed in his mind, regardless of what happens in the outside world. On the other hand, if what is in his mind changes, the world for him will change, regardless of what happens in the outside world. Thus, if a person believes that he can do a certain action, or believes that he cannot do it, then what he believes is true in both cases.
what does that mean ? You mean that a person can change the world by changing what is in his mind!! But how can he change what is in his mind? This is what psychological engineering answers. Perhaps he explained the reason for calling it this name, because engineering includes the process of design, development, construction and maintenance. Psychological engineering deals with the design of behavior, thinking, and feeling. As well as designing goals, for the individual, family, or institution, and designing the path that leads to these goals.