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When a person encounters something that prevents him from reaching his goal or achieving what he desires or obstructs his path towards achieving his dreams and aspirations, he feels the presence of a problem or an obstacle that causes him tension and frustration. There is an urgent need to learn methods of self-control and control of emotions and to be equipped with problem-solving and negotiation skills.

Therapeutic solitude is one of the ways of self-control and self-control, gaining calm and stability, and avoiding recklessness, anger, and foolish behaviors that may cost the individual innumerable losses. Through training in therapeutic retreat sessions, the individual can correct his wrong thoughts and interactions that precede facing various problems. Mental and spiritual relaxation and the expulsion or obstruction of distorted thoughts, fears and emotional exaggerations, then instilling positive values ​​and concepts of tolerance and forgiveness, rejecting anger and emotional stability. The great people and their psychological strength in passing these difficult tests with skill, confidence and consistency, and we can review the topic of self-assertion to support our topic.


The person who suffers from rapid emotional excitement and anger must instill in his mind and constantly repeat the Almighty’s saying: “So pardon them and forgive, for God loves the doers of good” (Al-Ma’idah / 13). “

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