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Faculty of Tourism Sciences – Karbala University starts the second supplementary exam for the fourth round of the academic year 2018-2019

The College of Tourism Sciences, University of Karbala, announced that the second supplementary exam for the fourth round of the academic year 2018-2019 started on Sunday, 6/21/2020, by forming an electronic operations room and equipping it with all its requirements of electronic devices and means of communication between the exam committee and students. The electronic platform (classroom) for student examinations, was chaired by Prof. Makki Abdul Majeed Al-Rubaie, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences and with the membership of Prof. Dr. Nadia Saleh Al-Waeli, Dean’s Assistant for Scientific Affairs and Assistant Professor Samir Khalil Ibrahim, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs and Assistant Professor Ali Tohmeh and the teacher Assistant to Khazaal Jawad. The exams were conducted without any disturbances or problems that the students are exposed to.

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