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College of Tourism Sciences
About college
Guide to the College of Tourism Sciences – University of Karbala for the academic year 2020-2021
Self-evaluation report for the College of Tourism Sciences according to national standards for institutional accreditation for the year 2019-2020
Mr. Dean’s word
Biography Career and scientific To the Dean
Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs
Scientific Departments
Department of Hotel Management
Professors of the Department of Hotel Corporation Management
Academic program description guide for the Department of Hotel Studies
Department of Religious and Cultural Tourism
Professors of the Department of Religious Tourism
Academic program description guide for the Department of Tourism Studies
Assistant Administrative Dean
Scientific and professional biography
call us
College of Tourism Sciences
Video lecture library
English Lecture Department for Religious Tourism / First Stage / Prepared by Asst.Prof. Zainab Hussein Alwan
Students of the Department of Religious Tourism / first stage / can follow the English language lecture from a course teacher Asst.Prof. Zainab Hussein Alwan
For watching the video lecture
press here
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