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The impact of political crises on Iraqi society

Today, Iraq faces the worst political crisis in its contemporary history, since the end of the middle of the last century. Until the writing of this article and the political situation in the country has been in great decline. This country is pivotal in its geography and important in its resources, it would have been in the ranks of the economically and technologically advanced countries if its resources were invested correctly and there was political will This is true, but the succession of successive governments in adopting the absurd approach in managing this country has generated successive and accumulated crises. Political crises have repercussions on all other sectors, for example, the economic effects of political crises in the field of shorter Y its repercussions were very large in this area, so there were no effective solutions to any crisis, but it was carried forward and an attempt to move away from knowing its causes and repercussions. Rather, the easiest solutions to it were to go to the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund for borrowing, even though such borrowing is in strict terms and the grant is In addition, the conditions of grants are affected by the length of the repayment period, international conditions at the time of borrowing, and the economic reputation of the borrowing country, these conditions make any borrowing country under strict control from their donor organizations, the effects of political crises did not stop at the economy, but naturally the effects were clear On the field of services, the human increase of the population and the increase of housing spaces requires, as is well known, the establishment of infrastructures commensurate with the financial capabilities of the country, its revenues and the increasing number of its population. However, these governments neglected to establish infrastructures for services, but old ones were lost to the point where many of them were not, and the share of various services was not The other is better in the telecommunications and technology sector, the consumer suffers from high prices despite the poor services provided and the lack of quality, as well as with banking and other social services that are present in the simplest other countries, either in terms of education And learning and their quality was the biggest impact, because the measure of state progress is inferred by the percentage of its children’s learning and the quality of education in it and on these criteria developed countries are working hard to develop practical and integrated plans for education that target all groups of society and begin to implement this vision and plans after creating the infrastructure and dimensions of education, but in Iraq The political influences of the government and the party in which it was organized had a negative role in this sector through direct intervention in the educational and administrative decisions in the work of the ministry and universities, but rather they went to more dangerous stages, such as choosing most positions and leaders in this institution According to the political and factional affiliations, and this left the observed negatives in this sector, and in the community health sector, the deterioration and still continues in poor health service and its inconsistency with technological and research and medical development in the world and the lack of our hospitals and health centers to many important medical expertise and devices that exist in countries that may be The least financial possibility from Iraq, which forced many patients who were not documented with these services to travel, are compelled to other countries for treatment with advanced health infrastructures such as India, Lebanon and Iran, these negatives and many others are the effects of crises For political, not to mention security, societal, and religious problems that were among the reasons for the country’s reaching its repercussions now. If there was an opportunity to choose the administrative and professional competencies and elites with real political will towards their eyes, serving the country and its citizens away from the effects of the greedy states and corrupt parties and enabling the supervisory and judicial authorities to perform their duties away from these influences and the fair and real distribution of wealth and revenues and not relying on unilateral rent (oil) ) This country would have had another issue worthy of its history of more than 6000 years.

                                                            M. Ahmed Al Ahmar

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