The importance of electronic tourism in developing the work of tourism and travel companies
1 – The procedures of the study: Because of the nature of the study used the researchers descriptive descriptive method, which is not limited to describing the phenomenon or problem to be studied, but rather to collect information and interpretation, analysis and evaluation, and linking the implications to reach conclusions that contribute to understanding and development of reality.
2. The sample community: The research community consists of all the tourism and travel companies operating in the two cities of Baghdad and Karbala, which numbered (370) companies and as recorded in the database of the Planning and Tourism Department in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
3. Sample of the study: Given that the society is large and wide, the simple random sampling was adopted by distributing 72 questionnaires to managers of travel and tourism companies in both Baghdad and Karbala governorates, which accounted for 20% of the size of the original society.
4. Honesty and consistency
a. The validity of the questionnaire: This test is a basic condition to ensure that the paragraphs of the questionnaire that measure the objectives were prepared for it. On this basis, the truthfulness tests, which are also called honesty, were adopted and the verification of the veracity of the questionnaires, their consistency and the validity of the tests, , The questionnaire was presented to the experts who were competent to take their directives, and the percentage that approved the validity of paragraphs 83%), and then their proposals were taken into consideration and the measurement was finalized.
B. Stability of the questionnaire: Determination of the stability of the questionnaire was based on the half-division method. The correlation coefficient between the individual question scores in the questionnaire and the scores of the marital questions were estimated at (90%). Equation, if the coefficient of constancy (0.67) is sufficient for research, which adopts the questionnaire as a tool.
5. Statistical processing SPSS: To achieve the practical framework of the study, the researchers used the statistical analysis program to extract data, analyze and test hypotheses, and the tests and statistical methods used in the following:
Mean or Standard Deviation:
To calculate the value of the difference coefficient, and to determine the level of each variable and the degree of dispersion in the values from its arithmetic mean.
A statistical method is used in many advanced statistical topics. Among its uses is the sequence of factors or axes according to their importance. Each axis gives its share in the contribution of the study, ie, the axes are shown according to their importance, as is the importance of each variable Within each axis, irrelevant variables fall. The global analysis aims to summarize the multiple variables in a smaller number called (factors) so that each of these factors has a function that is associated with some (or all) of these variables (28).
T. Spearman correlation coefficient by means of a Split Half test.
W. The coefficient of determination (R2) indicates the effect of independent variables on the behavior of the dependent variable and is measured as a percentage, and the coefficient value is between zero and 1, and the greater the coefficient of selection, the closer it is to 100%.
= × 100
Total squares average = MST
Total total squares of total regression = MSR
C. Semi-retail stability: According to this method, the test segments are divided into two parts of the questions of individual numbers and double-digit questions to calculate the correlation value. The correlation coefficients were adjusted in the Spearman-Brown Coffecient equation,
H = half-stability coefficient.
6 – View and analyze the study sample: