Our youth and what they receive
M. Fatma Salloum Ismail
University of Karbala / Faculty of Tourism Sciences
Societies change and become transformed and influenced by external data and influences in a different manner, relative, but inevitable and negative or positive or integrated or growing according to the objective conditions that affect them, and according to the level of culture, urbanization and the environment according to the studies of modern psychology, where phenomena appear and disappear other depending on the culture of individuals and the total Today we live in Iraq is a kind of openness unprecedented in different forms and colors and types of cultures and phenomena and technology communications and the Iraqi in general and young people in particular characterized by his search for all the new and get acquainted with the latest displays of technical exhibits or habits Or new phenomena and adapts with it very quickly and this property may be a positive situation in societies, the existence of this flexibility in accepting everything that is new makes the community in a kind of development and continuous progress and rapid interaction with the positive changes in the humanitarian situation in general and wide, but most strange that most Our societies absorb negative phenomena such as sponge or tend to use the negative side in the type found for positive use such as mobile use, for example, which has become a major cause of the large number of cases of corruption and marital betrayal and divorce, which reached a dangerous level threatens thousands of evils This is the result of armies of children and young people deprived of the healthy and healthy family atmosphere and thus the existence of a generation with infectious epidemic diseases, and the phenomena that spread widely among the youth are cafes (Narkila) and accompanying deviant habits that may reach the use of drugs and superficial conversations and exchange porn and other And generated by the vacuum and not to invest time correctly, and the phenomena of indulging in the promotion of sports teams to the extent of hostility and confusion and bickering and imaginary fighting and division between fans of one team and another, and other phenomena that spread in our youth such as fire in The chaff.
What is painful to see our youth slide quickly in many deviations without finding a viable solution to their absorption by the state institutions or to develop future plans that invest their energies and employ their abilities and despite the existence of these institutions and the existence of financial support for them, but it is not the challenge and did not succeed in attracting youth and turned to Bureaucratic institutions like the rest of the state institutions where the monotony and routine and lack of creativity in its work and its actions and plans, although it deals with a segment of the summit of energy and space of creativity and other palaces is in the spiritual side borne by the religious institution of the oppressor, we do not find projects or plans on it and Then steps learned to find a successful moral and doctrinal alternative and to identify deviant phenomena and work to meet them in accordance with the activation of the duty of virtue and forbidding evil that seems to have ceased or almost .., I even heard from one of the references that we must face evil before it happens and we end it and find the known before It is happening and we order it. Are our religious institutions doing such work? Our reality negates this only with a few, and the third is the civil society organizations of all types and types, which did not give this segment what it deserves and does not seek to perform its real mission commensurate with the slogans and objectives and the justifications found for it, if any found institutions Almdljp purpose of earning young people for certain purposes, Culture and behavior are far from their plans and programs.
The civilized world has only advanced plans for the future and the future is young. Those who do not make plans for their future will be part of the plans of others. If they do not invest properly in building the country, they will become a factor in its destruction.
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