From Falluja to Karrada to the marshes … from victory to victory
The truth is unambiguous … we are always victorious
We have overcome the trials and tribulations of sectarianism in the early days of the birth of our new democratic system. We have left political machinations in the corridors and corridors of politics, and a rare occupation to write the victory that raised its banners in the scourge of chaos. The liberation of Fallujah is one of the most glorious victories that have placed the Iraqi army at the forefront of the armies of the world. The armies of the allied and modernized world with the latest military technology could achieve ten achievements of the Iraqi army and its security forces in solidarity with the human tide of the jihad forces of the holy popular mobilization.
We are victorious … And the evidence of our victory is the crime of Karrada, who laughs at the sacrifice of victory. What is this crime, but the defeat of the da’isin from the takfiris and who is more important than the corrupt regimes? The blood of Karrada is the clear evidence of the strength, will and determination of this people. The blood is shed to sprout love and harmony, and to live amid the lake of blood the tree of cohesion and loneliness … The minds have been tormented … What do you like … Your sons die and you stand still laughing … Kill the babies and your height is a solid structure … The miracle of the great world … And the history of the divine.
Your blood has achieved a victory in the skies of the world, the light of which is the triumph of your civilization and culture to be the most prestigious place in UNESCO. Throughout the history of the political system, the ruling regimes have tried to dry the marshes with various pretexts and arguments. They have prepared them as safe haven for fugitives and criminals, but they are safe haven for Iraqis who take advantage of the resources of the marshes and search their islands under the roof of their cane and live among them to sniff the warm air of southern Iraq. Between the 1970s and 2003, about 90% of the original marshlands were subjected to drying and destruction as a result of their excessive and systematic exploitation and as a result of their political repression. And that about 175,000 Marshlands were forced to flee and to search for another homeland in different parts of Iraq and beyond.
The marshes … are a unique green watercourse in its composition, and a kingdom of water that is rich in unique human life as well. They are curious in their small details, and indescribably beautiful. It is a land that witnessed the dawn of civilizations and gave humanity writing and thought. Which is the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, forests of reeds and papyrus, and waterfalls in the middle of a natural plant … It is truly Venice of Iraq as some specialized researchers call it.
Following 2003 and the change of governance in Iraq, a unique opportunity to revive the marshes was on the horizon. Many communities, institutions and organizations were already mobilizing what they could to support the revival of the marshes. As a result of these efforts, nearly 40 per cent of the region has been successfully rehabilitated, and biodiversity and livelihoods in the marshlands continue to be revitalized. And through the great efforts of the good elite of the men of Iraq and their pen and information, data and proofs to present the history Kushib dress pride in the heritage and prove its validity in the caves of history, writing on behalf of the Iraqis victory of the Marshlands to victory from Fallujah to Karrada to the marshes.
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