Earth Day and Sustainable Environment in a Scientific Workshop
Under the patronage of Prof. Akram Mohsen Al-Yasiri Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences, the Department of Hotel Management at the College held on Sunday 22/4/2018 in the hall of the department a scientific workshop on the occasion of World Earth Day. Mohsen Mehdi Ribat Kanani, Head of the Department, gave a lecture on land, environment and sustainable development, during which he reviewed the numerical indicators and statistics on the environment, population growth and pollution statistics in the world. And then made its recommendations at the national level, on the one hand, and on the other hand in the province of Karbala and holy from our campus at the University of Karbala through the establishment of a broad student campaign to plant the tree, as well as the dissemination of cultural awareness of the preservation of the environment and maintenance and sustainability.
The workshop witnessed extensive scientific discussions by the attending professors from the faculty and professors of management and economics at the university. The workshop was concluded by Dr. Al Yasiri, Dean of the College, who praised the department’s initiatives in the field of science and communication towards community studies that seek to build our beloved country.