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Scientific and professional biography of Mr. Dean

First: General Information:
– Name: Makki Abdul Majid al-Rubaie
– Place and date of birth: Karbala / 1966
– Marital status: Married
– Degree: Professor
– Major: Sociology
– Political prisoner
Second: Certificates:
1 – 1990 / Bachelor – University of Baghdad.
2 – 1995 / Master – University of Baghdad.
3 – 2001 / Ph.D. – University of Baghdad.
Third: Career Progression:
– 2005 / Associate Dean of the Faculty of Law / University of Karbala.
– 2011 / Assistant to the President of Karbala University for Administrative Affairs.
– Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences, till now.
Fourth: Teaching Experience:
1- Social theories.
Criminology and punishment.
3- Sociology of economics.
4. Urban Sociology.
5- Sociology of tourism.
6. Social Psychology.
7. Political sociology.
8. Culture and personality.
9 – social service.
10 – Anthropology.
11- Medical Sociology.
Human rights.
13. Freedom and democracy.
14 – Family Sociology.
Fifth: Teaching Experience in Master and PhD:
– Crime and society.
– Culture and personality.
– Social Psychology.
– Sociology of economics.
– Research Methodology.
– Philosophy of Law.
– Criminal Sociology.
– Sociology of tourism.
Sixth: Supervision of Research:
He has supervised many researches in the fields of socialization, criminology, sociology, political, economic and family, and continuously supervised researches dealing with the problems and aspirations of the society and the prospects of political and social change and many masters and doctorates and scientific evaluation of theses and theses, as well as discussing twenty-six master theses and eighteen doctoral dissertations.
Seventh: Tasks assigned to him inside and outside the University:
1 – Chairman of the Committee to add law services in the university in 2007.
2 – Chairman of the Committee to add service in the university.
3 – Chairman of the Committee of bonuses and promotions at the university.
4- Chairman of the University Accountability and Justice Committee.
5 – Chairman of the Committee for the purchase of cars and equipment for the university.
6 – Chairman of the University Bids Committee.
7 – Chairman of the control of the stalls and clubs.
8 – Chairman of the Committee on the distribution of residential houses in the University in 2011.
9- Member of the exam committee in the university.
10 – Chairman of many investigative committees in the university.
11 – Member of the Central Committee in the selection of social science award in the ministry.
12 – Member of the Committee for Social Protection in the province.
13 – Member of the Scientific Committee in the College.
14- Member of the Central Promotions Committee.
15- Member of the Promotions Committee at Ahl Al-Bayt University (AS).
16- One of the editors of Al-Sabt Al-Ataba Al-Husseini magazine.
17- Consultant at the Karbala Center for Studies and Research.
18- Member of the Committee for Community Reconciliation at the Presidency of the Republic 2017.
Member of the Government Program Evaluation Committee, 2014-2018.
20- Head of the Examination Committee at the Faculty of Tourism Sciences 2018-2019
21 – Member of the Deans of the calendar exam 2019
Eighth: Published Researches:
1- Social contract theoretical foundations and the most prominent theorists.
2. Reasons for the return of the crime.
3. The population of the Iraqi Marshlands.
4 – financial and administrative corruption causes and risk and applications in Iraq.
5. Legal aspects and social dimensions of the gold-based dowry.
6. Crimes against humanity.
7. Social dimensions of privatization.
8. Violence against women.
9. Social adjustment of displaced families.
10. The phenomenon of divorce in Iraq.
11. Legal aspects and social dimensions of the death penalty in Iraq.
12. Causes of symbolic violence among elementary students.
13. Implications of harm leading to marital division.
14- Problems of artificial fertilization.
15. Deviation and extremism in Iraqi society.
16. Urban and population growth and their role in the level of crime in the city of Karbala.
17 – Prospects of urbanization and informal housing field study in the city of Karbala.
18. The impact of population growth in Iraq on economic and social development.
19 – The role of tourism legislation in the development of tourism in Iraq.
20. The social cost of administrative and financial corruption in Iraq.
21. Religious tolerance and social peace.
22- The impact of social factors on the hindrance of tourism investment.
23- Fragile segments and human security in Iraq.
24 – the impact of social factors in the obstruction of tourism awareness.
25. Youth migration causes and treatments.
26 – The remaining impact / study in the geography of the Iraqi pilgrimage.
27- Dance is a study in cultural geography.
Ninth: The most important conferences in which I participated:
1- Conference of Karbala University for the years from 2006 to 2010.
2 – Conference of religious tourism – Ahl al-Bayt University / 2007.
3 – conferences of the Faculty of Law from 2006/2011.
4 – Conference of the Faculty of Historical Studies in Basra 2009.
5 – Conference of the Faculty of Administration and Economics – University of Qadisiyah 2009.
6 – Basic Education Conference – Babylon 2009.
7 – Babylon Law Conference 2009.
8 – Conference of the Union of Arab historians in 2010.
9- Wasit Provincial Council Conference 2009.
10 – Conference of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences – Karbala 2010.
11 – Conference Shiite endowment in 2010.
12 – Conference of the Faculty of Management and Economics 2010.
13 – Conference on Environmental Pollution and Desertification in Iraq – Baghdad 2008.
14- International Humanitarian Law Conference – Jordan 2007.
15 – Conference of the Faculty of Law – Diyala 2010.
16- Conference of contemporary models and trends in higher education Erbil 2011.
17- World Tourism Organization Spain 2012.
18 – Conference of Social Work College of Basic Education – University of Baghdad 2012.
19 – Conference of the Faculty of Tourism – Karbala 2013.
20 – Conference of the Faculty of Tourism – Karbala 2014.
21- Tourism Conference – Ahl Al-Bayt University 2014.
22- The role of Oman in the renaissance of the nation / Malaysia 2014.
23- Conference of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences 2015.
24- Conference of the Faculty of Administration and Economics 2015.
25 – Conference of the Faculty of Sharia – Ahl al-Bayt University (p) 2015.
26. Conference of the Faculty of Law – University of Karbala 2015.
27 – Conference of the Faculty of Law – Ahl al-Bayt University (p) 2015.
28-Hilla University College Conference 2016.
29 – Conference of the Faculty of Law – Ahl al-Bayt University (p) 2016 -2017 -2018.
30- Conference of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences 2018.
31- Conference of the Faculty of Education (on immigration) 2018.
32- Conference of the Center for Studies of the Threshold of Husseini 2018.
33.First Victory of Iraq Festival (Popular Mobilization) in cooperation with the Popular Mobilization Commission (2018).
34- Governance Symposium in cooperation with the Canadian side 2018.
Tenth: Acknowledgments
I have received letters of thanks and appreciation from His Excellency the President of the Republic (1) and at the level of His Excellency the Minister (4) and Secretary General of the Council of Ministers (1) and at the level of the President of the University (36) and the President of the Council of the province of Karbala (2) and Mr. Governor of Karbala (1) and the first deputy To the province of Karbala (1) and the head of the security committee in the provincial council of Karbala (3) and at the level of Dean (35) and other thanks and appreciation books from the President of the Bar Association in Iraq and Director-General of Tribal Affairs

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