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A word from the Dean

In the name of Almighty

Welcome speech

     Tourism is a social necessity, and a basic need in light of the complexity of life conditions, in addition to being an important economic resource on which many countries of the world depend to build its economy, in activating the role of tourism increase national income and increase per capita, and diversify the production base.

Activities of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs

You can follow the most important scientific activities for the people and scientific units of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences, which includes the establishment of training courses, workshops, seminars and seminars in the scientific departments, in addition to follow-up file to develop graduate studies and provide the most important laws and regulations for students.

Activities of the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs

You can follow the most important activities for the people and administrative units of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences.

Scientific Sections


   First: Objectives of the Department of Hotel         Management:

  • Preparation of staff, skills and experience familiar with science and specialized knowledge in the field of tourism and hotel management.
  • Direct contribution to the development of tourism activity in Iraq.
  • Enable students to stand and learn about the latest knowledge and sciences related to the management of
  • institutions

   Second: Religious Tourism Section:
First: Objectives of the Department of Religious Tourism: –

  • Enable students to access knowledge and science of tourism in the form of science and religious tourism in particular.
  • Enriching students with the skills related to the tourist side through trips, seminars and conferences.
  • Preparing students able to deal with variables

Photo Gallery

E - learning platform

Dear students can follow the courses for all subjects on the accounts of teachers in the e-learning platform.    

Professors' calculations on the ResearchGate

You can follow up on the latest research and activities of the professors of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences through your visit to the profile of each professor.

Professors' calculations on Google Scholar

You can follow up on the latest research and activities of the professors of the Faculty of Tourism Sciences through your visit to the profile of each professor.

Electronic library

Dear students can download e-books by visiting the e-library page, where you provide all the resources and references.                        

Professors Lectures

You can follow up the latest lectures of the faculty of tourism sciences and special subjects of the scientific departments through your visit to the profile of each professor.

Links that contribute to the teaching and learning process

You can follow the best international websites and the educational courses and research they contain by visiting the links on the College of Tourism Sciences website.       

Video Library

Registration and Student Affairs

Students  Graduates

Registration and Student Affairs

Future Activities

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